About me
💼 Hi! I’m Gang Yang.
I am currently a Ph.D. student at the Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, School of Information Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China.(USTC), and my supervisors are Prof. Xun Chen of X-Lab and A/Prof. Aiping Liu.
2019-2022 I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Feng Wu and A/Prof. Aiping Liu during the first few years of my master’s degree at USTC.
2015-2019 I received my Bachelor’s degree from Sichuan University in 2019.
More details can be found in my [CV] ([CV(en)]).
It’s my Github page.
📝 Research Statement
My research area is mainly medical image processing, including low-level and high-level tasks, such as Super-resolution, Synthesis, Segmentation, etc.
🐱 Others
- My home is in Lianyuan, Loudi, Hunan.
- I am currently a Ph.D. in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, University of Science and Technology of China.